everything is you

everything is you

Thursday, July 1, 2010

the tiger's waiting to be tamed

So I have come to realize, mainly over the last year or so, that my main focus in life is to love. I use to know this. Then my life went awry for like 3-4 years. I have finally come back to where I once was, believing in love. And everything that goes along with it.
Therefore I want to do everything I can and learn everything I can in order to show my love.good thing I love self help/inspirational books!!
I bought the 5 love languages by Gary Chapman last Friday and started readint it on... Tuesday? I've got 2 more chapters to go. This is the first book I've read on how to love, with no emotional trouble that preceeded needing to learn to love again. Just simoly to show your love. And figure out what it is to me that makes me feel loved.
The 5 languages are: words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, receiving gifts, and physical touch.
From the beginning I KNEW mine wasn't gifts. I could care less about them. When reading it though, quality time really stuck out to me, but I wasn't certain it was it. I absolutely love quality time and being asked questions! I love talking and listening. But it just didn't really hit me. Then I got to words of affirmation. Everyone likes to hear good job, but I don't need to hear that to feel loved. Everyone likes to hear oh you're so beautiful, and I think I do need that to feel loved. But I didn't feel like words was the biggest part of what it means to feel loved. Well then I got to acts of service, this is one way I like to show my love. So I think kinda deep down I rely on this a bit as a way of feeling loved. But it still didn't hit me. Nothing hit me till I got to PHYSICAL TOUCH! What?! I've never thought I was one of those who needed physical touch to feel loved. But its SO obvious I am!!! I love hugs kisses, any sort of touching I take it as love. I'm glad I figured this out!!
Now my quest to figure out what makes Chad feel loved. I have a hunch its between acts of service and words of affirmation..but we shall see!