everything is you

everything is you

Friday, March 24, 2017

It has been many moons since I have written a post and I honestly cannot say why. My life has changed in so many ways since 2010... I considered deleting my old posts and starting all over, but that was a part of my life.. that was what defined me at the moment. Never forget your past.

The way in which my life has changed the most: I have learned to truly love every one and every thing. I have found peace with myself and with my relationship with Chad. I have grown so much not only on my own, but in our relationship with each other.

Communication is the key. In ANY relationship. It took us learning it the hard way, but we sure did learn. And we are both better humans for having done so.

I have fallen in love with our mother. I have a new respect and admiration for her. My mind is a part of this universe and I feel as if it, too, is ever expanding. I feel so connected, yet I feel so distraught.

Where is this world headed? Where is this country headed? Where is my state headed? I don't understand how some things can go badly so fast. I don't understand why so many don't see that we must have nature, we must have the bees, we must have clean air, we must have clean water in order to survive. I cannot for the life of me comprehend why this is so hard to understand. It seems so dark at times. I need to find the light.