everything is you

everything is you

Monday, February 22, 2010

i've been very sad today and i don't know why.
i don't like it one bit.
i have so many different feelings and emotions right now.
why is it that as humans we find it so hard to accept happiness?
we try to find something wrong in every situation and make a big deal out of it when in reality it is nothing to be upset about at all!
it's ridiculous!
it's frustrating.
another thing humans tend to do is let their happiness fall into the hands of someone else, which is also ridiculous.
why do we do this?
why do we give someone that much power over our lives?
is it because we're too scared to have that much responsibility over our own hearts and our own happiness that we trust someone else with it?
why is it so hard to accept responsibility for our own actions and our own happiness.
it's a choice.
guess i just feel like being in an unhappy mood today.
too bad.

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