everything is you

everything is you

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

oh i am in a much much better mood today thank the LORD! (<~~~ SEE!!) went to sleep early last night and i think that helped a lot.
today has been pretty perfect, other than it being so cold out. but it is a beautiful day! i can't wait till the days last longer and the temp rises. i hate it getting so dark so fast. i've been listening to the crap out of ryan adams. he is simply amazing. wish i would've started liking him when i heard about him so long ago! oh how i can't wait till this weekend. the more weekends that come means the closer school is to being over which means the closer i am to graduating which means the closer i am to a REAL life!! = )
i've always been so anxious to grow up. a year ago i could not see me EVER getting tired of the bar scene, probably cuz i was in love with the troubadours..which they still are one of my favorite bands, but now. i don't really feel like going and watching anyone play. i mean every now and then yeah sure, but i don't like the atmosphere of a bar really. i was too naive to recognize it before, well that and i just didn't care.
now i do care.
i don't want to be there.
so i'm not going to be. and i think that has to do with maturity and finding the things in life that make you happy that actually mean something. that has, as chad would say, "substance". i have felt this way before - before i "fell of the wagon" so to say. and i am so happy i'm back here again. i know what it's like to leave this feeling now and i don't ever wanna leave it again. all of that is no longer appealing to me... and to some extent that makes me sad because i will probably have to give up some pretty good friends...unless they come around, too.
why are people too scared to grow up?
how can living the life they do really be fun? i mean i've been there, it was fun, but i knew i didn't want to end up with the type of guys i was around. and why would a guy want to end up with that kind of girl? because she's fun? i don't know..
all that to say that i am very happy and very thankful for the way my life has been headed. i may have my sad or down days (who doesn't) but even then i will try to make the best out of it. life's too short so love the one you got cuz you might get run over or you might get shot.

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