everything is you

everything is you

Monday, March 22, 2010

Cause I love the way you call me baby. And you take me the way I am.

Why does life have to be so simple, but at the same time SO confusing?!
It's quite frustrating!!
The simples
t of things can be the most confusing things.
Will some people just NEVER grow up?

Is it just hopeless for some people?
I don't see the fun in being immature and the "party type".
And for some reason "men" are attracted to those types, STILL.
Come on, buddy!
You're like 40.
Grow up.
It's disgusting.

And to the 38 year old women portraying themselves as
It's disgusting.
Show a little respect for yourself.
You're old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.
But see, that's the thing these days.
Age is meaningless!
Completely meaningless!!
Take these 38 year old women for example.
They're acting like a typical 21 year old would.
Then there's me.
I act like a typical 38 year old would.

(well in some ways haha)
Age means nothing anymore.


I have decided something.

Life is too short to be confused all the time.
It's too short to be scared.
It's too short to hold back, to never let g
I am not going to hold back.
I am going to
let go.
I am not going to be scared.
I am going to
love and not let anything keep me from doing it.
I am going to be open.
Going to be honest.

Going to give this life all I've got and then some.
It's going to be scary as hell at first, but I think I can do it.
Actually I know I can do it.
Risks are always worth taking.
You never know unless you find out.
Sometimes you have to find out the hard way.

By the hard way I mean by getting hurt.
But it's better to know then to go through life always wondering.
"What if?"
Not gonna do that.
Not gonna wonder what if.
I'm going to wear my heart on my sleeve.

Watch out.
Here it comes.

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