everything is you

everything is you

Monday, March 29, 2010

There are some things in life that are worth waiting for.

Love. Patient, kind and always forgiving. What a wonderful thing.

We were created to love and to also receive love.

There is something inside of me that yearns to love and be loved. It is part of my being…

I don't want to be part of that complicated love where fighting and bitterness is looming over its every move. More, a love that can overcome any obstacle and strands two people together. A love that becomes one of your greatest passions; to understand each other in a way that doesn't even make sense. When you find joy in love and living to love…….

I went to a funeral the other day and I came out of it with one of the greatest understandings of love. The man that passed away shared a love for his wife that words could never describe. Goodness, I couldn't imagine living without my husband and having to see him go through the kind of emotional and physical pain that cancer causes. I think I am so enthralled with their love because it never died; they fought to keep it alive. They wanted to love each other deeply…..they loved to love each other.

Love is accepting your partners faults as your own. To find strength in each others weaknesses. To say, "I know that you're not perfect, but I love you through your imperfections and I receive them as my own." This is the greatest wisdom into a relationship that someone has given me.

I will love my husband for the rest of my life. I want to hold his hand in mine and know that it was made just for my hand, to fit perfectly in mine. I want to marry the man that my heart can not live without. When I cant be with him my heart will ache and when we are back together we will thank God.

May you love without fear and with the heart of God.

May your love be endless and may it overflow into the lives of others.

"They didn't have you where I come from
Never knew the best was yet to come
Life began when I saw your face
And I hear your laugh like a serenade

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up

I slip in bed when you're asleep
To hold you close and feel your breath on me
Tomorrow there'll be so much to do
So tonight I'll drift in a dream with you

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up

As you wander through this troubled world
In search of all things beautiful
You can close your eyes when you're miles away
And hear my voice like a serenade

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up"

Lullaby by the Dixie Chicks

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