everything is you

everything is you

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return

knowledge is only as powerful as you let it be. i may not know a whole lot about life and love but what i do know i choose to let be very powerful.
i am not married, obviously. but i am very excited to be. out of all the bad examples of marriages i have seen in my life - i am excited to do it right! i want to be the hope and inspiration for people. i want to show them what marriage and love is all about. but above ALL else, i cannot wait to show my husband what a good wife is like.
*i am by no means saying i'm perfect and i know everything about being a wife*
but what i am saying is i have a pretty good grasp about what to do and what not to do....not many people know those things when it comes to relationships..and especially marriage.
i cannot wait to love someone the way a wife should love a husband. and i hope that my future husband is as excited about being a husband as i am about being a wife. because if he loves me the way i am going to love him, there is nothing we can't do..there is nothing we can't get through.
the success to any marriage can pretty much be summed up into one word.
i did a research paper freshman year of college about what the main cause for divorce is. money is what i found out, but the conclusion i came up with was communication. communication is also a HUGE part of love. everything can fit into love. selflessness, respect, loyalty, communication, understanding, and everything else will come naturally because it all has to do with love.
if you truly love the person more than yourself, there will be nothing you can't do.
but of course it has to work both ways...which is why i said i hope and pray my future husband is as excited about proving to himself, me, and everyone else that he is capable of being the best husband there is.
i'm just full of excitement for the future.
the end.

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